A personal introduction...
After having registered this blog address for more than 6 months now, I finally decided to push myself to write the first few lines and promise me to keep drop here often as a way to keep in balck and white the hundreds of thoguths that go through my mind daily related to online marketing, mostly in latin america and the Us Hispanic market.
I will spare this place as a place to post my personal perspective on a variety of campaigns, technologies and new models of reaching a diverse and complex audience. It's my passion, it's what I've been related to since my first job at Microsoft almost 12 years ago (ouch that hurts..do I still qualify as a young professional? please comment :-) ). I was first introduce to the term "evangelization" . Being myself agnostic, I was kind of scare of having to become an evangelist but they ensure me that no dogma was involved, and I naifly believed it...
I started delivering seminars on Windows 3.11, Office 4.2 and windows NT 3.5 talking to argentinean professionals (now information workers ) about networking, file sharing, share printing, cut & paste, even .. email. That was the hardest one to explain. We dreamed of the time that email would become available to everyone, we dreamed of a time when people would have access to the internet (at that time it meant for me telneting(I still remember my first on line order with CDNOW) and gopher. Then a friend lend me a Wired magazine for a weekend. That was it. I was converted.
Windows 95 was approaching, internet was closer than we expected in Argentina, a country at that time comming out of a sever economic crisis (one of the many I had to experience in my 20 years there). People at the seminars were starting to be already familiar with email but later by the end of that year.. something struck me. I was riding back home on a bus and the guy sitting behind me were talking about the girls they met during the weekend... it seem it has been a very productive weekend if you know what I mean, but the most important part is.. he did not get her phone number, instead she gave him her email. That was it. It took less than what I imagine, it was becoming part of everyone's daily life.
Since then till now we've gone a long way, even to places we've never imagine, but I still believe the biggest changes are still to come. That's why I want to keep track of my thoughts, because I wish I had more recalling of those little changes we don't appreciate at one particular point that later become a sign that the change began.